My Safe Place
De (autor): Brittney Brackett
This unique and beautifully illustrated children's picture book of positive affirmations is a fantastical journey of wonder, mindfulness, and empowerment for children and preteens ages 4-12. When kids are feeling scared, overwhelmed, or insecure, the book's gentle and creative ideas guide them toward good thoughts and actions that can free them from negativity and give them confidence. The last eight pages of the book contain several uniquely crafted hands-on activities and mindfulness exercises that will help stimulate young minds to a place of passionate, creative thinking.
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Descrierea produsului
This unique and beautifully illustrated children's picture book of positive affirmations is a fantastical journey of wonder, mindfulness, and empowerment for children and preteens ages 4-12. When kids are feeling scared, overwhelmed, or insecure, the book's gentle and creative ideas guide them toward good thoughts and actions that can free them from negativity and give them confidence. The last eight pages of the book contain several uniquely crafted hands-on activities and mindfulness exercises that will help stimulate young minds to a place of passionate, creative thinking.
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