The Buffalo Hunters: The Story of the Hide Men
De (autor): Mari Sandoz
Mari Sandoz (1896-1966) is the noted author of Cheyenne Autumn, Old Jules, and The Battle of the Little Bighorn, all available in Bison Books editions. Michael Punke is the author of several books, including Last Stand: George Bird Grinnell, the Battle to Save the Buffalo, and the Birth of the New West and Fire and Brimstone: The North Butte Mining Disaster of 1917.
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Descrierea produsului
Mari Sandoz (1896-1966) is the noted author of Cheyenne Autumn, Old Jules, and The Battle of the Little Bighorn, all available in Bison Books editions. Michael Punke is the author of several books, including Last Stand: George Bird Grinnell, the Battle to Save the Buffalo, and the Birth of the New West and Fire and Brimstone: The North Butte Mining Disaster of 1917.
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